Brisbane Neighborhood
Boise, Idaho
Brisbane Neighborhood's a northwest Boise subdivision, built in the late 90s, immediately north of Pierce Park Elementary.
We take pride in being a small, quiet, and affordable neighborhood.
The map below shows subdivision boundaries (purple) and nearby landmarks & routes.
The association - common lots, board, dues, meetings
Brisbane subdivision has 3 common lots:
a path to the school
a large (larger than most home lots) drainage basin
an entry island on Gold Coast St
That's a lot (š„) for a neighborhood our size! These lots are owned by Brisbane Neighborhood Association (aka Brisbane HOA) which all subdivision property owners are members/owners of.
Common lot maintenance, insurance, and occasional common lot improvements are paid for through an annual assessment (aka "dues") charged to members. For details on dues collected & expenses see our documents. Annual assessment for Spring 2024 is $160 - we tried to keep it at $150, but maintenance costs have escalated.
Current elected board/officers are Wade (president,, Dan (treasurer), and Justin (board.) All have lived in the neighborhood for years - Wade now 18 years, Justin not far behind that!
Elections, planning for common lot maintenance, and setting the annual assessment amount happen at our annual meeting, typically held late April. Our most recent meeting was April 24th 2024. See documents for minutes.
Common lots: what've we done, what might we do?
In 2024 we likely will only remove damaged drainage lot fence as a cost-cutting measure, through volunteer labor.
In 2023 we worked with the school to remove a bollard that blocked stroller/walker access to the school.
In 2022 we relandscaped the island after vehicle collision damage in 2020. The new design reduces water & maintenance required (no mowing.)
In 2018 we replaced grass in the path area with lava rock. The water valves there had a major leak, and the pines are established enough to not need water anymore. This has helped hold costs down over the years. We'll probably need to redo the asphalt eventually.
The drainage lot fence been backed into several times through the years, and as labor/material costs rose we compromised on repair vs. removal. Continuing removal of the fence, other than neighbor-shared portions, and maintaining the basin/slopes to slightly higher standard, is our current plan. Ada County Highway Department limits what we can do in the basin, but shade trees on slopes may an option if neighbors want it?
It helps to hear what you want - email to let us know!
Financial statements, fee disclosures, CC&Rs, bylaws, and meeting minutes
For all of these see our documents section.